VITO Data Science Hub Lustrum Symposium
To mark our 5th anniversary, we, the VITO Data Science Hub, organize our lustrum data science symposium in Mol on Friday 10 Nov. 2023.
We will bring together VITO staff, friends, partners and enthusiasts for a full day of data science lectures.
We start the day with a keynote speech by Geertrui Mieke De Ketelaere, and have contributions from internal and external speakers on High Performance Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Data Governance.
Our VITO PhD students who research data science related topics will show their work in a poster session during the coffee breaks.
See below for the full program.
Attendance is free but registration is compulsory. Please register using the button below.
Practical details
A sandwich lunch will be provided. We will close the day with a reception.
The symposium will take place in the VITO Conference Room in Mol.
Open this page on how to reach the location of the event.
(External visitors can reach the conference room from the parking next to the reception without passing the security gates)